E-Signatures in LodgeRunner

Easily Collect e-Signatures

E-Sign documents are presented to the guest via LodgeRunner's Guest Reservation Center. You can insert a link to the Guest Reservation Center into your email and text correspondence. You can also text a link from the guide portal on your mobile phone. The Guest Reservation Center is mobile friendly and also allows for online payments, uploading of documents, and entry of critical guest information.

Create Multiple e-Sign Documents

Some lodges require a single waiver from each adult guest and others also require a contract. In LodgeRunner, you can create as many e-Sign documents as you need. You can also specify whether a document is required for all adults, just the primary contact, or everyone except the primary contact.

Different Documents for Different Booking Types

If you do different types of trips, each trip may require its own waiver and/or contract. In LodgeRunner, you can assign one or more e-sign documents to each booking type and the system will present the correct documents to each guest.

Add Dependent Minors to your Documents

The e-Signature process automatically asks guests if they are travelling with and/or signing for a minor dependent and adds the dependents' names and other appropriate language to the document.

Create Detailed Hunting or Fishing Contracts

LodgeRunner can easily populate your contracts with booking and guest information. There is no need to create custom contracts manually for each guest!

Automatic Document Delivery and Archiving

LodgeRunner saves a PDF copy of all signed documents and they can easily be viewed or downloaded from the booking screen. Guests have the option to receive a copy of their signed document. You can also have all signed documents automatically delivered to a team member via email.

File Manager

The File Manager is a great feature for lodges and outfitters that handle a lot of e-sign documents. Easily view documents by booking, by document type, or by booking type. You can combine multiple documents in a zip folder and download them all in one click.

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